Erina High School

A caring community committed to excellence

Telephone02 4367 7353

Beyond School

Scholarships and Early Entry into University

For more information you can visit Mrs. Pursehouse in the Library and complete research through University sites. Scholarships and Early Entry into University requirements are updated every year.

University Admissions Centre - UAC

All the details you need to explore your options and make an informed decision about your future tertiary study

School Recommendation Schemes - SRS

Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) are one way institutions make early offers of undergraduate admission to Year 12 students. They do this by using criteria other than (or in addition to) the ATAR.

University Links

Traineeships and Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships and traineeships combine work-based training with an employer and formal training from a training provider. They are established under training contracts between the employer and the apprentice or trainee and are regulated by government. See the logos below for links.

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